Despite the plentiful campaigns around sun safety – such as the famous ‘slip slop slap’ now expanded to include ‘seek (shade) and slide’ – new research has...
Tag - skincare
Every time we laugh, cry and smile, our skin loses its firmness and wrinkles can begin to appear around our eyes, forehead and cheeks. Robyn Hutch, Nivea...
Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are on the rise with the focus shifting from “lips and cheeks” to more long-term skin health, a clear complexion, delayed...
Botox Injections (sometimes referred to as Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Wrinkle Relaxers) are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments today and have been...
Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are on the rise with the focus shifting from “lips and cheeks” to more long-term skin health, a clear complexion, delayed...
Makeup is an everyday item for many people and non-negotiable for some. Is it bad for our skin? As always, the answer is not clear-cut and depends on the...
While many trends can come and go, some tend to lean towards a more disruptive nature than others and can lead to potential skin issues and even harm. Is the...
Can you imagine your life without makeup? No, not many of us could. Can we look fresh and beautiful and be makeup free? Is it even possible?
Remember Ponds Cold Cream – the dominating force in skincare in the 60s and 70s? Beauty trends come and go, and now as we become more and more informed...
The development of dark circles and baggy eyes is a common problem. Bags under your eyes become more noticeable as you age, a time when skin begins to lose...