1. Who we are
Life Begins At is the Publisher of “Life Begins At Magazine” and www.lifebeginsat.com.au
Life Begins At is a “for profit” company that operates a member network. Among other things, we provide magazines and online services. We only receive a commissions or fees from advertisers on our sites or magazine. No fees are charged to end users..
2. Our commitment to protecting your personal information
We are committed to complying with our obligations under relevant privacy legislation (currently set out in the Privacy Act (Cth) 1988 and embodied in the National Privacy Principles. From 12 March 2014 our privacy obligations will be embodied in the Australian Privacy Principles).
This Privacy Policy sets out our commitment to protecting your personal information. It outlines how we collect, use, hold and disclose personal information, and how you can contact us if you have any concerns, questions or complaints about our management of your personal information, or if you want to access it.
This policy can be accessed from our website: https://www.aprs.com.au
Should you require a copy of this policy in another form please contact us via the contact details set out at the end of the policy and let us know.
In this policy a reference to:
- “we”, “our” or “us” means Life Begins At and any related bodies corporate;
- a “third party partner” means a:
- a. provider, supplier or distributor (or potential provider, supplier or distributor) of a product, service or utility which is (or potentially will be) partnered with us for the purpose of facilitating or initiating the offerings and switching opportunities made to our members; or
- b. person or entity who assists us for the purpose of facilitating or initiating, the offerings and switching opportunities made to our members.
3. Personal Information
A reference to “personal information” means any information or opinion about you from which your identity is apparent (including any photographs or information you upload on our website), or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion regardless of whether the information or opinion is:
- true or not; or
- recorded in a material form or not.
4. Application of this policy
This policy applies to personal information we collect from or about you. This may occur when you:
- use our website;
- register your interest with Life Begins At or through a Life Begins At campaign or initiative;
- become or remain a member of Life Begins At;
- contact Life Begins At;
- participate in a Life Begins At campaign;
- upload any photos or information about yourself on our website; or
- provide your personal information to us in any other way
When you provide us, or a third party partner, with personal information you expressly consent to Life Begins At handling and processing your information for the purposes outlined in this policy (see section 6 below) or such other purpose as communicated to you by Life Begins At.
You also specifically consent to receiving electronic communications from us or a third party partner regarding current and future offerings made to our members. Should you not wish to receive such notifications please contact us as via the contact details set out at the end of this policy and let us know.
5. How we collect your personal information
We will collect personal information directly from you unless:
- it is not reasonable or practicable to do so;
- you consent to us collecting it from other sources; or
- collection is otherwise permitted under relevant privacy legislation.
As outlined above we may obtain your personal information via a third party partner. By using our website, registering your interest with the Life Begins At, becoming or remaining a member of Life Begins At, contacting Life Begins At or participating in a Life Begins At campaign, you expressly consent to us collecting your personal information directly from our third party partners.
The type of personal information commonly collected for the purpose of our functions and activities include:
- identifying and contact information (eg name, age, date of birth, employment details, telephone number, email address etc)
- financial information (eg bank account details)
- sensitive information (eg health services or products you obtain)
- consumer related information on household spending.
We may also collect photographs and/or personal information you upload on our website from our usual activities.
We will advise you in accordance with relevant privacy legislation when we collect your personal information.
If you do not provide the personal information you are requested to provide by us or a third party partner, you may be unable to enjoy the full benefits of membership with Life Begins At, or participate in, or be notified of, relevant offerings.
If we receive your personal information without soliciting it we will, within a reasonable period after receiving it, determine whether or not we could have collected if we had sought it. If so, we will treat it in accordance with this policy.
If we could not have collected it, and it is not contained in a Commonwealth record, if it is lawful and reasonable to do so we will, as soon as practicable, destroy the information or ensure that it is de-identified.
6. Purpose of collecting your personal information
Collected information is used to facilitate Life Begins At’s functions and activities including:
- to source and identify potential member discounts;
- to provide you with information regarding current and future offerings which we think may be of interest to you;
- to compile data and conduct analysis of member statistics;
- develop our business and operational processes for delivering potential group discount offers and group switching opportunities;
- to manage our ongoing relationship with our members;
- to share experiences, provide commentary and feedback provided by our members on our website (which may also be transferred to other Life Begins At social media (including Facebook);
- to make submissions to governmental departments, private sector organisations or to publish commentary or studies in support of legislative or other private sector reform;
- to administer and process member participation in offerings;
- to resolve any legal and / or commercial complaints or issues;
- to assess a job applicant and to allow us to carry out any monitoring activities which may be required of us under applicable law as an employer; and
- comply with legal requirements.
7. Disclosure of your personal information
Subject to this Privacy Policy we may disclose your personal information to third parties where:
- we have your consent. As outlined above by using our website, registering your interest with the Life Begins At, becoming or remaining a member of Life Begins At, contacting Life Begins At, participating in a Life Begins At campaign, or providing your personal information to us in any other way, you have consented to us disclosing personal information to our third party partners;
- if we are under a legal or regulatory obligation to do so (for example to a Court or Tribunal in response to a request or in response to a subpoena or to the Australian Taxation Office) or to protect the rights and interests, property, or safety of Life Begins At, our members or others;
- all, or substantially all, the assets of Life Begins At are merged with or acquired by a third party, in which case your personal information may form part of the transferred or merged assets;
- we provide or share aggregate or bulk data (such as information about market trends and consumer choice) with other reputable third parties. If we do this, personal information which might identify a particular Life Begins At member will not form part of the aggregate or bulk data;
- we provide stories, commentary or share photos or other personal information you have uploaded on our website onto other social media channels associated with Life Begins At (including Facebook);
- we use a third party service provider to provide services that involve data processing, for example archival, auditing, professional advisory (including legal, accounting, financial and business consulting), mailing house, delivery, technology, website, research, banking, payment, data processing, insurance, marketing and security services.
Where possible, we will inform you, at or before the time of collecting your personal information about other types of organisations to whom we may, with your consent, disclose your personal information. Prior to such disclosures, Life Begins At will take all reasonable steps to satisfy ourselves that:
- the organisation has a commitment to protecting your personal information; and
- where necessary, you have consented to such disclosure.
By participating in the Life Begins At initiative, you consent to your personal information being disclosed to the Macquarie Radio Network and any other media partner who works with us on Life Begins At.
If we transfer your personal information outside Australia we will comply with the relevant privacy legislation relating to transborder data flows and cross-border disclosures.
8. Direct Marketing
We own the database rights in the information collected via our website.
We or a third party partner may use your personal information to contact you about, among other things:
- potential member discount offers for consumer products, services which we think may be of interest to you;
- changes to our organisation;
- new products, services being offered to our members through us or in combination with any third party partner; or
- d. your membership or potential membership.
You may be contacted in various ways including, but not limited to, email, SMS, instant messaging, telephone, multimedia messaging or other form of electronic communication. As outlined above by using our website, registering your interest with Life Begins At, becoming or remaining a member of Life Begins At, contacting Life Begins At or participating in a Life Begins At campaign, you expressly consent to receiving electronic communications from us or a third party partner for the direct marketing purposes outlined above. You also consent to receiving electronic communications from Macquarie Radio Network or any other media partner with whom we work on the Life Begins At initiative.
If you do not wish to receive marketing information or be contacted for the purposes outlined above please contact us via the contact details at the end of this policy and let us know. Please provide us with details of the communication which you no longer wish to receive and request to be removed from the relevant mailing list. We will take all reasonable steps to meet your request at the earliest possible opportunity.
9. Updating or correcting your personal information
We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we collect is accurate, up to date and complete. We will also take reasonable steps to ensure that when we use or disclose your personal information it is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant, having regard to the purpose of the use or disclosure. We rely on your assistance to do this.
During the course of our relationship with you, we will ask you to confirm whether your personal information is correct or has changed.
You may also inform us of any changes to your personal information or correct any inaccuracy by contacting us via the contact details at the end of this policy. However where there are grounds to refuse to correct the information as requested we will provide you with reasons for not complying with your request.
10. Accessing your personal information
You may request access to any of the personal information we hold about you at any time by contacting us via the contact details at the end of this policy.
There may be reasonable charges associated with giving you access to your personal information.
Access to your personal information may be denied on certain grounds including, for example: it is unlawful; it may have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals; or your request is frivolous or vexatious. If we deny you access we will provide our reason for doing so.
11. Dealing with us anonymously or by pseudonym
In order for us to successfully do business with you it will not, in most circumstances, be practical for us to deal with you without you providing relevant personal information to us. However, where it is lawful and practicable to do so, you may deal with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym. Such a situation might include where you make a general inquiry about interest rates or current member offers, potential member discount and group switching opportunities.
12. Sensitive Information
We will obtain your consent prior to collecting, using or disclosing sensitive information about you, except if we are required or permitted by law to collect, use or disclose it.
“Sensitive information” is information or an opinion about your racial or ethnic origin, political persuasion, memberships in trade or professional associations or trade unions, sexual preferences, criminal record, or health information.
13. Security of your personal information
We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information by storing it in a secure environment. When the information is no longer needed for any purpose for which it was collected, used or disclosed, it will be destroyed or permanently de-identified.
We will also take reasonable steps to protect any personal information from misuse, loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
14. Adoption use or disclosure of government related identifiers
We will not use Commonwealth government identifiers (eg your Medicare number) as our own identifier for you. We will only use or disclose such identifiers as permitted under relevant privacy legislation.
15. Compliance
If you have any concerns regarding our compliance with relevant privacy or Spam legislation please contact us via the contact details at the end of this email. If you are unhappy with our response you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Communications and Media Authority or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner as appropriate.
16. Changing our privacy policy
We regularly review all of our business policies and may change this Privacy Policy from time to time or as the need arises. You should review our policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes to its terms.
This Privacy Policy was last reviewed in December 2016.
17. Contacting us
Please contact us at our offices via the contact details provided below if you want to:
- obtain further information about the way we manage your personal information;
- access your personal information held by us;
- raise a concern or make a complaint regarding how we collect or handle of your personal information;
- correct or update your personal information held by us;
- unsubscribe from any Life Begins At mailing list or have any questions or complaints regarding unsolicited electronic communications which you may have received or are concerned about.
Contact Details: Life Begins At | Email: digital@aprs.com.au