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Free Online Tool Assesses Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

diabetes It’s National Diabetes Week and Australians are reminded about an online tool that can assess whether they’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Minister for Health, Peter Dutton, said that the Australian Diabetes Risk (AUSDRISK) Assessment Tool provided an important first step for Australians who want to prevent type 2 diabetes and make healthier lifestyle choices. 

“Around one million Australians are already living with diabetes, while thousands of others are at great risk of developing type 2 diabetes,” he said. 

“The frustrating thing is that, in some cases, delaying or even preventing its onset can be as straightforward as being physically active, eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight.” 

Mr Dutton said the Australian Government was strengthening the nation’s response to diabetes by developing a new national strategy, informed by an expert advisory group. 

“The National Diabetes Strategy will focus Australia’s response on the key areas of prevention and the primary health care sector, and will help identify ways to mitigate the impact of the disease through early diagnosis and treatment. 

“Medical research is something that we’re extremely good at here in Australia, and the Government will provide all the support we can to help uncover our cures of the future.” 

The Australian Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool is available at the Check My Risk website
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About the author

Alana Lowes

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