Life Begins At » Tips for Caring for Elderly Loves Ones During Holiday Season
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Tips for Caring for Elderly Loves Ones During Holiday Season

caring for elderlyAs the Christmas and summer holiday season is upon us it is a timely reminder that our elderly loved ones can need additional care and attention as the weather heats up and families may be travelling.

According to statistics from the 2012 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Carers are most likely aged between 55 to 64 years. While planning for their own retirement; travel, becoming grandparents for the first time and wanting to enjoy their new found ‘free time’ after raising their own family these baby boomers must consider the implications involved in their role as carer.

 Tull Roseby, director Absolute Care & Health, gives his tips for caring for elderly parents, friends and neighbours during the holiday season.
  1. Prepare – let your loved ones know in advance that you are going away, give them specific dates and visit them before you leave and on your return. Organise for groceries to be delivered, any medications to be pre-ordered and let other family members or friends know your movements.
  2. Educate – prepare some information for your loved ones about taking care during a heat wave including how much liquid to drink, being comfortable with turning on/off electronic cooling devices and especially who to call in an emergency.
  3. Communicate – touch base with your loved ones daily while you are away or if you are home visit or call on particularly hot days. It is important to remember that our elderly do not want to ‘be a burden’ and this mentality may prevent them from reaching out, even if they need to.


About the author

Alana Lowes

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