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The next 209 seconds will make you question your entire existence


The scale of the universe is almost beyond our imagination.

The universe keeps expanding (at 42.5 miles per second per megaparsec), and we constantly form new hypotheses about how it was created and what will happen next. Our farthest space probe from Earth, the Voyager 1, is traveling a million miles a day, and after nearly 40 years, has barely left our solar system. It was only late last month that scientists peered 50 million light-years away to find an extremely rare globular cluster, with far more mass than the Sun, that could birth stars and help explain how galaxies form. There are so many secrets waiting to be unlocked out there in the vastness of space.

Here are some shocking comparisons about the size and scope of the universe that help put it in perspective. via anonymous

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About the author

Alana Lowes

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