You can use your senior card to obtain discounts in a wide variety of businesses, as well as government departments. So, the benefits do vary between territories and states. However, there are interstate discounts available. It’s beneficial for you to know exactly where you can use your discount. You never know what you’ve been missing out on.
Generally, when your card arrives you are furnished with a list of the organisations and businesses that offer you discounts, as well as how much the discounts are. You can make a request for a new copy if you misplace yours.
Perhaps one of the greatest benefits that your senior card provides you is the travel discounts you can take advantage of. These concessions are now available all across Australia. So, if you plan to travel, near or far, then you enjoy serious money saving discounts. Additionally, you can use your senior card in New Zealand. The two governments have struck a reciprocal agreement that allows senior card holders of each country to enjoy the same benefits as a citizen would. If you travel abroad, you may want to ask if it’s possible to use your senior card. You never know what businesses are happy to honour your card.
You can use your senior’s card for a variety of discounts, including the following.
- Retail stores
- Coffee shops
- Restaurants and Cafes
- Opticians
- Fitness
- Fashion
- Automotive
- Mental Health
- Finance and accounting
- Recreation
- Jewellers
- Adult education
- Professional Services
- Pest control
- Security
- Plumbers
- Carpeting and flooring
- Home insurance
- Legal services
- Gardening
- Energy and solar
- Photography
- Car rental
- Travel
- Travel insurance
- Wineries
- Groceries
- Haircare
- Massages
- Chemists
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