Seen & Heard Film Festival, a film festival celebrating the creations of female filmmakers the world over through features, documentaries and shorts, will launch on 13 November in Melbourne.
Commencing with French/Sengalese production titled Under the Starry Sky, which explores the hardships of displacement and the struggle to survive in an unfamiliar and unwelcoming surrounding, the festival will run through until the 16th at the iconic Australian Centre for Moving Image.
Alongside a selection of short films, the festival will be closed by award-winning, critically acclaimed documentary Regarding Susan Sontag, which focuses on the life and work of one of the 20th century’s most provocative thinkers.
Festival Director Mia Falstein-Rush said the festival would be excellent opportunity for filmmakers to meet and share ideas.
“The cliched scriptwriting, the boring trope, the bland character development; we should all strive to put an end to this dull and exclusionary filmmaking. I hope Seen & Heard can help inspire this change,” she said.
While the majority of people who go to see films both locally and globally are female, only 12% of the top 250 films from any country are directed by women. Seen & Heard hopes to see this change.
For more information on the festival, including the program, head to
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