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Fashion Tips For The Older Gentlemen


The Retiree took five with Jeff Lack, men’s stylist and author of Indulgent: A Complete Style Guide For The Modern Man to gather some sound fashion  advice for the timeless man. Eyes on the answers, gentlemen.

It can be challenging to pick a new outfit to wear each morning. Where do you get your inspiration from on a daily basis?

I dress each day based on three key elements – how I feel, who is my audience and what the weather is doing.

Who are your favourite Australian men’s designers and why?

Wil Valor – attention to detail and perfect fit. Brent Wilson – making young, fun men’s fashion accessible and affordable. Farage – brings class and sophistication to corporate and event style.

What’s the best piece of style advice you’ve ever been given?

Buy once, buy right.

It’s easy to talk about women’s fashion mistakes. What are some of the most common fashion mistakes that men make?

Men wear clothes that are too big. They also don’t invest in a good quality shoe wardrobe. I think we should wear fashion, not have fashion wear us.

What basics should men always keep in their wardrobe?

A pair of tan brogues, a pair of dark denim slim fitting jeans, a well fitted classic white button up long sleeved shirt and a navy blazer. I have 32 wardrobe essentials in my book, check it out.

What are the do’s and don’ts of having a beard?

Do keep up your grooming regime, there is still skin under there and [it’s] worth moisturizing. Don’t plait beads into it, unless you’re Jamaican.

Finally, what advice do you have for older gentlemen wanting to look dapper without appearing like they’re trying too hard?

Wear classic, well-fitting pieces that you feel great in. We can all tell if it suits you or not, just be yourself… authentic.

Indulgent: A Complete Style Guide For The Modern Man Available for $29.99

About the author

Alana Lowes

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