The Australian Tax Office has released figures claiming there is $17.5 billion worth of superannuation yet to be claimed.
In the 2017-2018 Financial Year, more than $420 million worth of superannuation was claimed, but that has barely touched the surface. The lost super is spread between more than 6.2 million accounts – and yours could be one of them.
One account in New South Wales has $2.2 million alone!
Below are the major areas of Australia where money is owing.

More than a third of Australians still hold two or more super accounts, and it’s easy to forget.
You can view all your super account details, including any that you have lost or forgotten, and consolidate your accounts any time by linking your myGov account to ATO online services.
For information on how to manage your super and view all your super accounts including lost and unclaimed super, visit
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