Assistance Dogs Australia will officially launch the PAWS (Parents Autism Workshops and Support) program in Perth on Saturday 29 November .
PAWS brings together parents of children diagnosed with autism, with qualified dog instructors to explore the different avenues and benefits a trained dog can offer within their families, from their own pet dogs to purposely trained dogs for autism. During November a series of three workshops in Perth will support parents and provide them with the understanding for sourcing, handling and training a dog specifically for their child with autism.
Partnering trained Assistance Dogs with children and young adults with autism is an approach that has brought consistently positive results across Europe and America over the past eighteen years. Assistance Dogs Australia see these benefits first-hand through their work, with the trained dog significantly enhancing a child’s self-reliance, communication skills and empathy to new situations and people.
“These outcomes can be life changing for the child, and their families. We are very excited to launch the PAWS program in Perth to help more local families through this complementary therapy support service,” says Assistance Dogs Program Manager Alberto Alvarez-Campos.
Assistance Dogs Australia is grateful for the collaborative support of Autism WA in promoting this service, and for financial assistance provided through Westfield and Response Systems International.
For further information about the PAWS Program call Assistance Dogs Australia on 1800 688 364
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