With the festive season well and truly in full swing, Dr Nick Fuller, author of “Interval Weight Loss” gives us 5 savvy tricks to help our body into losing weight and to keep healthy over the silly season.
1.Don’t diet!
Diets are unrealistic, unhealthy, and often very dangerous to follow. All diets give you the same result every time – that is, regaining the weight you lost, or worse still, ending up heavier than when you started. Anyone can lose the weight following any given diet but no one can keep the weight off and this is due to two main reasons: 1. Diets are unsustainable over the longer-term because it is not realistic to cut our certain foods or food groups such as carbohydrates. Cutting such foods out will only make us crave them more and over indulge when we can no longer stick to the diet. 2. Our bodies are tuned to protect us from losing weight and certain physiological responses will drive us back to our starting point. Not only that, you will often put on a little extra weight when you come off the diet, to protect oneself for the next period of starvation.
2.Reset your set point.
Everyone has a set point. Think of the weight that you have been at for a long period of time in your adult years (greater than 18 years of age). This is the weight that our body is most comfortable at, and it is the weight that our body will defend. Whenever we put our body under stress, for example with dieting, our body will work back towards its set point and protect this level of fatness. Dieting is a waste of time! The only way to reset your set point is to trick it into a new set point and this is accomplished through the Interval Weight Loss approach.
3.Don’t exclude certain foods.
Healthy eating and weight loss is achieved by including all foods and food groups. You should never exclude all foods completely. It is unhealthy to do so with any given diet, and you will end up fatter than when you started if you do so. Focus on including all food groups including protein, carbohydrate and fats with each meal. Carbohydrates contain the same energy content as protein foods and certainly won’t make you fat. Focus on the inclusion of wholegrain carbohydrates sources that are nutritious, rather than white refined sources of carbohydrate which offer little. This will ensure you are on the right path to shredding those kilos! And include ‘treat’ foods (for example, ice cream) but stick to having them once a week and enjoy whatever you like at that time.
4.Don’t keep doing the same exercise.
Doing the same exercise or physical activity every day is fine for general heart health benefits but it certainly won’t help you achieve your weight loss goals. Go on a different walking route, incorporate some hills into your walk, or break up your walk with small bouts of jogging to increase your heart rate and ensure you are getting the variety you need for your weight loss goals.
5.Follow the Interval Weight Loss plan.
Interval Weight Loss is a scientifically proven way of tricking your body into a new set point so that you shred the kilos and keep them off forever. It is not a diet but instead a way of life, and anyone can follow it. It is suitable for all, from those that need to lose only a few kilos to those that need to lose more than 50 kilos. It requires an individual to lose a small amount of weight (approximately 2 kilos per month) before than having to maintain that weight loss for the next month, and so on, until a person’s goal weight is achieved. So this Christmas, aim to maintain your weight and then start off on a weight loss month of Interval Weight Loss in the new year.
Interval Weight Loss can be purchased at all good book stores or online at Penguin Publishing.
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