Your mind body and soul check with our wellness check. We have some handy tips on how you can keep your wellness in check.
Check your fitness
How much exercise are you doing? The amount you need is much less than you think and more achievable than you probably thought. Forget pounding the pavement for an hour every day, according to the World Health Organisation at least 150 minutes of brisk walking three times a week is enough to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Take a walk
Walking is one of the simplest ways to improve your fitness, burn calories, and even improve your mental wellbeing. It’s also free, and ideal for everybody, regardless of fitness level. The recommended daily steps an adult should take is 10,000, which may sound overwhelming, but there are some simple ways to boost your number:
- Park further away at the shops
- Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier each day and go for a 30-minute walk at least five days a week
- Head for the hills to increase your fitness
- Involve the kids and go for a walk as a family
Download a pedometer app and watch your daily goal increase for extra motivation
Improve your social life
Want to improve your health and fitness? After you’ve enjoyed watching the best battle it out at the Australian Open, pick up a tennis racquet and try it out for yourself! Not only will you get fitter faster, but you’ll also stay healthier for longer. Research at the Miller Family Heart and Vascular Institute in Cleveland, USA, found that three hours of tennis every week has significant heart health benefits.
Further research has found that people who choose to play tennis may have other improved health benefits including improved aerobic fitness, a lower body fat percentage and improved bone health. Meet a friend for a friendly hit and you’ll also reap the social benefits.
Check your diet
You don’t need to completely cut your favourite foods in order to make big differences to your diet. Instead, focus on small changes, which have long-lasting results. Look for fresh foods, cook from scratch as often as possible, shop the perimeter of the supermarket (rather than the treat-laden middle aisles), replace sugary drinks with water and those afternoon biscuits with fresh fruit or a handful of nuts.
Try something new
Commit to yourself that you’re finally going to brave those rock walls, take up surfing, or join a sporting team. Not only will you get fit, but you’ll be happier, your social life will improve, and you’ll even increase your brain capacity. What are you waiting for?
Be mindful
Getting your “zen” on may be better for you than originally thought. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sports Psychology found those who practise mindful activities, such as meditation and yoga, were more motivated to exercise regularly.
Set a goal
Whatever workout you decide to do, or try in 2018, setting clear and realistic goals is the best way you’ll achieve them. Write down a daily or weekly exercise plan so that you’re clear on where and how fitness fits into your life.
Trust your gut
Taking care of your gut, and its good bacteria is a trend we should not ignore. Why not learn how to ferment your own foods, and commit to taking a daily probiotic supplement to support your gut health.
Start the day right
Starting your day with certain foods can help reduce stress levels by up to 89 per cent, according to research. Enjoy a breakfast of rolled oats with fresh fruit, or poached eggs on toast with avocado and tomato. If you can’t bear to eat first thing in the morning, try a smoothie made of either your favourite fruits or vegetables, or a combination of both.
Get rid of the clutter
Throwing out anything that’s broken, that you no longer use or find useful, or is just clogging up your home, can help reduce your stress levels. Begin by getting rid of anything you haven’t used during the past 12 months, and only welcome items into your home, which you know you will use. You’ll be amazed by how little you actually need.
Be grateful
Practicing the art of gratitude can help to reduce stress and may even help you sleep better. Before you go to sleep, write down five things you’re grateful for – it will help put you in the right mind frame for a good night sleep.
Blackmores is dedicated to personalised health and wellbeing, empowering Australians to feel their best and Be a Wellbeing. To get your personalised summary and start your wellbeing journey, visit the Blackmores Wellbeing Check at
Speak to your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist. Always read the label. Use only as directed. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
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