“Without Cancer Research my husband would not have been here to see his two lovely great grandsons” – Doreen Flynn
Doreen Flynn made an incredible gesture in 2006 she left a gift in her will to Cancer Council NSW as a result of a loved one receiving treatment available only through the funding of vital research. We all know somebody affected by cancer; sadly for Doreen she watched three generations of her family fight this dreadful disease.
Doreen’s husband James Flynn was diagnosed with cancer in 2004, however due to cancer research major surgery was possible, which gave him five more years of life after the diagnosis. Sadly, James Flynn passed away in December of 2008, the research used to conduct James’ major surgery may not have produced a cure, but it did give some control over the cancer and a prolonged life.
Their son Timothy was only 53 when he lost his battle against bladder cancer in September 2013. Heartbreakingly, at the same time he was supporting his son Nicholas who was also battling cancer.
Doreen emphasises “research needs to get funded constantly” to continue progression at Cancer Council NSW so the “hard work will help others in the future” like it helped Nicholas. She is incredibly thankful for her grandson’s recovery who is now 24 and well.Along this difficult journey Doreen has found solace in the services available from Cancer Council NSW, she says they have been very close to her and supported her in every way.
Doreen made the decision to leave a gift to Cancer Council NSW in her will because she believes the hard work of researchers will save more lives like her grandson Nicholas. This research would simply not be possible without the generosity of people like Doreen, as approximately 25% of the Cancer Council NSW annual funds are received in the form of a gift in a will.
More Information
If you would like to contact Cancer Council NSW to discuss how you can leave a gift in your will please call (02) 9334 1479 or email us a bequests@nswcc.org.au.
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