Men aged over 50 are being encouraged to see their doctor if they visit the bathroom more than once a night.
Men’s health experts say that – unbeknown to most men – regular night time trips to the loo can be a key symptom of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) a benign condition caused by an enlarged prostate.
Leading urologist and spokesperson for Foundation 49: Men’s Health (an initiative of Cabrini Health), Dr Jeremy Grummet says there is a lot of confusion about prostate disease in Australia. He says a common misconception among men is that frequent night time urination is just a sign of old age when in fact it is often a key symptom of an enlarged prostate.
“Enlarged prostates can affect bladder control and this can lead to a lot of anxiety and embarrassment for those affected, as well as sleep deprivation,” said Dr Grummet. “It’s important that men suffering from these bothersome symptoms consult their doctor about the issue so that effective solutions can be explored.”
“An enlarged prostate can really affect a man’s quality of life, so it’s important that they consult a doctor when they experience bothersome symptoms,” said Dr Grummet.
Around one in three Australian men aged over 50 suffer from an enlarged prostate[i].
Leading Sydney urologist Dr William Lynch has welcomed the new campaign in Australia – called ‘More than once a night’ – saying that too little attention has been given to this condition in the past.
“It’s not just the blokes that are affected,” said Dr Lynch. “Night time disruptions may affect the sleep of partners as well, so we urge men to consult their GP if they suffer from these symptoms.”
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