The following tips are of general nature to assist you in managing bladder weakness. Speak to doctor or medical professional for a tailored plan for managing bladder weakness.
- Pelvic floor exercises Can help reduce bladder weakness symptoms by strengthening the muscles around the bladder and bladder opening.
- Avoid going, just in case, Try to get out of the habit of going to the toilet ‘just in case’ as over time this can result in your bladder developing a smaller holding capacity.
- Watch your weight – Excess weight can aggravate bladder weakness by putting extra stress on your muscles.
- Exercise regularly – Try to engage in some form of exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, three times a week.
- Increase fibre intake – Adjusting your diet can help you avoid constipation. Constipation can exacerbate bladder and bowel problems.
- Drink enough -Drink 6-8 glasses of liquid a day (restricting fluid intake can impact negatively on your health).
- Reduce or avoid caffeine and alcohol – Caffeine beverages include coffee, tea and cola soft drinks.
- Avoid citrus, tomato, spicy foods – These can irritate the bladder and make bladder management more difficult.
Financial support for continence products
The Australian Government will pay up to $506.30 to eligible people for purchase of continence products. Under the initiative, known as CAPS or the Continence Aids Payment Scheme, Medicare will make the payment directly to people’s bank accounts. People have the flexibility to choose where they would like to purchase products like DEPEND Underwear from.
For how to apply and more information visit You can also call the National Continence Helpline 1800 330 066 or ask your doctor or a continence nurse for more information.
DependĀ Underwear – Superior Protection
For superior comfort and protection from bladder weakness Depend provides the only range of underwear specifically designed for the unique shapes of men and women. With a slim fitting design and super absorbent protection, Depend Underwear for men and women will allow you to stay confident and continue leading an active lifestyle. For more information or for a free sample visit
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