Life Begins At » Coffee yoghurt with nut sprinkle
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Coffee yoghurt with nut sprinkle

coffee yoghurt

The latest cookbook from the CSIRO is filled with glorious pages of low-carb recipes – Life-changing new research for losing weight and improving health from Australia’s most trusted science organisation. This coffee yoghurt treat would be perfect for breakfast or as easily served after dinner. Enjoy!

Serves 4

Preparation: 15 minutes, plus setting time Cooking: 1 minute


2 teaspoons powdered gelatine

400 g low-fat Greek-style yoghurt

1 teaspoon natural vanilla bean paste

¼ cup (40 g) Sweet Spiced Nut Clusters


2 teaspoons stevia granules

1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

½ cup (125 ml) freshly brewed double-strength espresso or good-quality strong instant coffee


To make the coffee sauce, combine all the ingredients in a small heatproof bowl and stir until the stevia and cocoa powder have dissolved into the coffee. Remove ¼ cup (60 ml) of the coffee sauce and set aside for serving.

Sprinkle the gelatine over the remaining coffee sauce and whisk to combine. Set aside for 5 minutes for the water to absorb into the gelatine.

Heat the gelatine mixture in the microwave in 10-second bursts on high until the mixture has dissolved and is translucent.

Combine the yoghurt and vanilla in a large bowl. Transfer ½ cup (140 g) of the yoghurt mixture to a separate bowl. Working quickly, whisk the coffee gelatine mixture into the smaller amount of yoghurt. Once combined, scrape this into the larger bowl of yoghurt and whisk until combined.

Pour into four serving cups or glasses, then refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.

Sprinkle the nut clusters evenly over the yoghurts and serve with the reserved coffee sauce on the side.


Recipes extracted from The CSIRO LowCarb Diet by Associate Professor Grant Brinkworth and Pennie Taylor. Available now, Macmillan Australia, RRP $34.99. coffee yoghurt

About the author

Alana Lowes

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