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Can Money Buy Love? It Seems Women Think it Does

Does love depend on money? According to an Australian dating service survey, it seems it does.

The survey asked 500 singles for their thoughts on the role money plays in relationships. The results show:

Y   Men share more in a relationship

$    Women want to be financially independent

Y   Men are happy to lend their partner money unconditionally

$    Women value their partner’s income more than men

While neither men nor women think they would just date someone because of their wealth (just four per cent of men and eight per cent of women said yes), the typical female single opinion appears to be one of ambivalence.  Sixty nine per cent said the income of their partner is ‘important’, in comparison to just 19 per cent of the men asked.  Women also seem uncertain about marrying a man earning less than them – just 25 per cent said they’d do so, while 29 per cent would if their man had possessions to balance things up. For men, income is barely a consideration, with just four per cent put off by an inferior income. And while just 44 per cent of women would lend – unconditionally – money to a partner, 81 per cent of men would do so.

But why do men and women have such different perspectives on money within a couple?

According to psychologist and researcher Dr. Wiebke Neberich; “The results of our survey show the conflict between women’s evolutionary character and their desire for independence. Women today have long fought for social and financial independence from men, and rightly treasure this achievement. The female desire for security and a resource-rich partner may, at first glance, appear to be a contradiction. But this can be explained by women’s natural role as the more dependent person during the phase of starting a family – even in today’s more equal society. Considered from an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense that women look for a well-off partner”.

The survey was conducted by Australian dating service Elite Singles


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About the author

Alana Lowes

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