Walking for Fitness, Pleasure and Health
A complete guide for women of all ages
Author: Helen Vause
RRP: $25
Written by long-time walker Helen Vause and including a foreword from the co-founder of walking group Wonder Walkers Dame Susan Devoy, Walking for Fitness, Pleasure and Health is the walker’s ultimate guide.
Containing chapters on how to start walking, clothing and equipment, motivation, weight loss, nutrition, walking with children, pedometers, training for events, and much more, there’s something for everyone of all levels of walking expertise.
Walking has a particular appeal to women because, more than most men, they like the social aspect of walking about in little groups, nattering, supporting each other and maintaining networks.
It doesn’t matter whether you walk the dog, whether you are a race walker or an avid tramper. When people ask if you exercise, you should no longer feel embarrassed to say you ‘only walk’. Walking is now being recognised as a great form of valid exercise.
Smart Gardening?
Grow your own fruit and vegetables, Save money and the environment?
Author: Marcelle Nankervis
RRP: $34.95
Smart Gardening was written especially for the southern hemisphere, it is designed for anyone who wants to harvest their own fruit and vegetables and live a more sustainable life.
Whether your home is in the hot tropics or the cool mountains, you’ll find everything you need to know to start gardening for the future: reducing your global footprint while also saving money.
The handy monthly reference guide takes the guesswork out of when to plant and when to harvest, ensuring that you receive a constant supply of fresh organic produce from your garden, no matter what its size.
In addition, Smart Gardening includes tips for preparing your soil, how to prune what when, water-conscious gardening and companion planting, effective yet environmentally friendly pest control, and much more.
It’s all about getting your garden to work for you!
Laugh with Health
Your complete guide to health, diet, nutrition and natural foods
Authors: Manfred Urs Koch
RRP: $35
Laugh with Health is the complete ‘body system’ guide to health and healing. In print for over 25 years, it has been the top-selling Australian health book for the last 10 years.
Over 130,000 copies have been sold. This new edition has been fully revised, updated and redesigned this practical, easy-to-use book includes:
- unique food charts and vital health hints for everyday use.
- a detailed explanation of 36 essential vitamins and minerals.
- food combination charts for improved digestion and health.
- simple recipe ideas based on a full range of natural foods.
- specific natural food diets for various common health conditions.
Recommended by medical doctors and naturopaths, Laugh with Health is everyone’s essential reference for living a life of health and wellbeing.
Fishing Sense
Authors: Philip Weigall
RRP: $37
As heard on ABC Big Fish with Scott Levi, 4BC Outback and Bay, 2XL Snowy Mountains, LAFM Tasmania Today and seen in Fishing Monthly, Flylife, VFFA Newsletter, FishMax, Fly Fisher, Life With Style and The Weekly Times.
Philip Weigall is considered to be probably the best writer on flyfishing in Australia and has a large following. Flyfishing, and fishing in general, is one of Australia’s – and the world’s – most popular outdoor activities. It’s a sad fact of flyfishing that there is no prescriptive manual for ensuring success.
It is an activity that defies simple evaluation, with enough variables to leave even the ‘experts’ scratching their heads from time to time. For example, why is it that a trout will respond to a certain fly one day, but ignore it entirely in identical conditions on another day?
Acclaimed flyfishing author Philip Weigall attempts to answer this question and many more in this engaging book. In his words, it is a book of ‘flyfishing truths’, a collection of techniques, ideas, concepts, knowledge and equipment that, to the best of his objective observations over many decades spent with a rod in hand, honestly seem to matter when it comes to catching trout.
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