Life Begins At » Blue September Awareness for Men’s Cancer

Blue September Awareness for Men’s Cancer

Cancer affects each of us in some way at some point in our life, and Australia has the highest rate of prostate cancer.

Blue September is the time to acknowledge and do something about the impact that this has had on the men in our lives.

Approximately one in three cancer cases is preventable, and regardless of the type of cancer – be it lung, bowel, skin, prostate or testicular – early diagnosis and research are key to an eventual happy ending. Of course, for either of these things to occur, both awareness and funds are required.

That’s why this Blue September we are all being encouraged to again get involved. There a number of ways this can happen, and has a number of suggestions, including:

  • Hosting a “Blue Friday” in your office, where everyone dons something blue and donates $10;
  • Entering a fun run or similar and asking your friends to sponsor you for the cause;
  • Having a sausage sizzle where the proceeds go to to the cause;
  • Setting up a workplace swear jar and donating the cash raised to the charity;
  • Just donating

Each Friday of the month is a Blue Friday, and Blue September is urging people to send through photos of how they’re fundraising so they can put them up their website and social media pages.

For further information on how to get involved, The Retiree Magazine recommends visiting the Blue September website.




In 2014 Blue September, will, once again be raising funds
for awareness of cancers that affect men and cancer research.
Early diagnosis and research are the two ways to beat cancer
and so any money raised for Blue September goes to those
two pursuits. If y

About the author

Alana Lowes

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