You may be happily retired, but for many, we actually miss the work. You might miss the source of income, the mate-ship or simply the routine of working life, but just because you are retired it doesn’t mean you have to stop work completely. We have listed some of the best jobs for retirees.
While we are busy working, we all dream of spending our retirement day holiday in exotic locations, playing a round of golf with mates or just simply finding a cosy nook to read your favourite novel. But have you actually given thought to the fact that you do miss your working environment.
There are many reasons why you might want to return to work in retirement. The additional source of income, the companionship, the “everyday routine”, to stay mentally healthy or you may even want to try a new “career” with flexibility, less hours and less stress. All are fantastic reasons to get back into the work force when retired.Today’s workplace is trending towards flexible work options, and there are many opportunities available for retirees who want to stay active and earn a paycheck. You don’t have to commit to full-time employment to get hired.
Here are our top picks for jobs in your retirement.
Find a part-time job with perks
Finding a job with perks can make the work more appealing. For example, if you work for a movie theatre, playhouse, concert hall, or almost any other type of entertainment venue, you may receive free tickets to shows. Or if you work as an usher during theatre or sporting events, the majority of your work will occur at the beginning of the show or the game, which means you can enjoy the entertainment for the remainder of your shift.
A new career with flexibility, less hours and less stress
One place you could retrain with is H&R Block Tax Accountants who is offering a 16-week Income Tax Course. So, if you have always been great with numbers and a real people person, then this course could lead to your perfect work/life balance with casual, part-time or full-time career opportunities following the course. Take a leap of faith and start building your new career in Tax Consulting.
Working for yourself is a great way to earn extra money on your own schedule. There are jobs available doing just about anything on a freelance basis, so check out a variety of options that are a fit for your skills and experience.
Do you like to drive? Do you know your way around town? There are many different types of driver jobs, and most have a flexible schedule. You could work for yourself for companies like Uber, Foodora, Deliveroo or get on the payroll and drive limos, school buses, transport vans, or other modes of transportation that require a trained driver.
Pet Sitter
If you’re an animal lover, pet sitting is something you can do in a variety of different ways. Family, friends and neighbors may need someone to help out when they are at work or away on vacation or business.
You could start your own pet sitting business, or you could work for a company that provides animal care. If you have extra time, consider volunteering for your local animal shelter. Even though you won’t get paid, it’s a great way to help out, and shelters do occasionally hire paid employees.
If you are interested in retraining and making some extra money, registrations are now open with the 16-week Income Tax Course course starting on February 12. Register now at H&R Block
I find it hard to believe that you would recommend to retirees that they take jobs in the gig economy. For example uber is no more than a scam and vulnerable people need to be made very aware of this. At best uber is the worst of the worst ‘pay day lenders’. Impossible to make any money when car costs are taken into account. It is very unsafe work with no protection or any support. It is a scam that allows these pariahs to syphon money from Australia to a tax haven. Gig economy businesses provide $Zero social contract value but have a social cost in the $Billions. Please issue a warning to your readers. There are better safer driving jobs & some you mention. Taxis offer support plus the safety of CCTV Police Grade Tamper Proof Security cameras, Alarms, Radio to Base support & embedded GPS Tracking. These hi tech security systems provide as much surety to the driver as they do for passengers. You don’t trash your own car & if injured at work you are covered.