‘Low fat’, ‘no fat’, ‘fat free’ choices masquerade as healthy but are often the items in your diet that negatively affect your weight and overall health the most. Here’s three things you can ditch from your diet to have an immediate impact.
- Drop the fruit juice, it is just sugar even if pure juice with no ‘added sugar’. If you eat an orange or apple, you would generally eat one and it comes in its natural packaging of fibre and nutrients. Juice is just sugar and often it takes 3, 4 or 5+ pieces of fruit to make a glass of juice.
- Drop the low fat dairy, full fat is better for heart health, diabetes and weight management, plus it tastes much better! Yes real butter certainly does taste better and is much better for you. When the natural fats are removed, poor quality fats are often added such as vegetable oil and sugar is often added, especially to low fat yoghurts – they are very high in sugar. Considering that sugar is what drives many health problems and not the natural fats, it is best to stick with the real thing such as a good quality full fat natural Greek Yoghurt.
- Drop the low fat dressing and use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil with fresh lemon/lime or whole egg based mayonnaise. Recently I compared the same brand of full fat vs low fay mayonnaise; I noted that the low fat one contained a whopping 28 teaspoons of sugar compared to the full fat one which contained 9 teaspoons of sugar, that is a very big difference. Remember that added sugar is NOT required in your diet at all and The World Health Organisation recommends that we eat no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day to maintain good health.
I highly recommend you watch That Sugar Film which easily explains the results of low fat high sugar diets on our health in a simple, fun and entertaining way.
About Fiona
She is a Nutritionist and That Sugar Film Ambassador and you can find out more about here at www.informedhealth.com.au
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