Life Begins At » Grandpa builds roller coaster for kids
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Grandpa builds roller coaster for kids

Grandpa Builds Roller Coaster for Kids

Sometimes Grandfathers do the coolest things for their Grand kids. Billy carts, skateboard ramps or bike repairs have become a right-of-passage for grandfathers. One Grandfather has raised the bar higher for all other aspiring grandfathers by building a roller coaster for his grand kids. This Grandpa builds a roller coaster for the kids in the back yard.

Paul Gregg, is a retired aerospace engineer and he built what he calls the ‘Red Racer backyard rollercoaster cart’ in his backyard. He recently shared a video of two of his grandchildren testing it out – and it looks like some awesome fun. Clearly the kids love it and Paul is enjoying some special moments with his Grandkids. What as special time!

“Designing a shape, building a mold and making a unique fiberglass body, would probably consume more time and money than the welded steel frame,” he wrote on YouTube.

The Red Racer has a foot-powered car body, and the Little Rocket is made from a 15 gallon water barrel.

This isn’t the first rollercoaster Paul has built. There are two others called ‘Smaug The Terrible’ and ‘Negative G’ that are actually bigger than the one in the video.

Paul has definitely raised the bar for all the Grandpas out there in Australia!



For more Grandpa related content why not read our story Should Grandparents be paid to babysit?

About the author

Alana Lowes

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